Main contents
Vippvedel is a rare flower that grows on c alcareous mountain slopes from Härjedalen to Tone lapland. The first find is documented from Lule lappland in 1807. We have had the small, shy and rare flower portrayed as a recessed detail in a classic pilot frame.
Vippvedel 59 Northern Black-Honey
200 EUR -
Vippvedel 59 Rosehip - Light Bark
200 EUR -
Vippvedel 59 Honey - Northern Black
200 EUR -
Vippvedel 59 Honey - Northern Black / Northern Black Gradient lens
210 EUR -
Vippvedel 59 Rosehip - Light Bark / Gold Gradient Lens
210 EUR -
Vippvedel 59 Northern Black-Honey / Orange Gradient Lens
210 EUR